Our Fall 2024 Issue

Our second issue of The Giver’s Guide discusses gun violence, both locally and globally. With the US being the most armed country, and guns now being the leading cause of death among children and teens, this edition discusses the urgent issue of gun violence and its ripple effects both locally and globally.

Inside you will find exclusive interviews with leading experts such as Professor Swanson (Duke Medicine) and Professor Campbell (Johns Hopkins), who share groundbreaking insights on gun violence, mental health, domestic violence, and the critical lack of funding for gun-related research.

We also dive into pressing local stories, including the alarming rise in gun violence in Newport Beach.

Our Summer 2024 Issue

In our very first issue of The Giver’s Guide Magazine, we explore some of the many nonprofits targeting homelessness/hunger in Orange County to understand the experiences of the founders of these organizations and the true stories of the people receiving aid.

Our writing includes investigative journalism, personal stories, in-depth interviews, and feature articles, all written by passionate high school students!

Submit Your Writing & Art

Submit Your Writing & Art

Show your perspective on the issue you are passionate about through creativity. Publish your literary works, art, and photography in our magazine. By submitting, you become eligible to win an award and/or be featured in our magazine!

  • Editors Choice Award (judged by the editors)

  • People’s Choice Award (judged by The Giver’s Guide staff)

We accept all forms of creative writing, art, and photography. We look forward to reviewing your submissions!

Prompt 1: Express a meaningful personal experience involving gun violence that has significantly impacted you and your beliefs.

Prompt 2: Find a specific story about a person or a group with an experience regarding the issue of gun violence and let it inspire your work.

Prompt 3: Your view on this issue. Freely express your ideas.

Submission Guidelines

  • Poetry, prose, short stories, personal essays

  • Any forms of visual and digital art

  • This opportunity is for anyone in Middle and High school, grades 6-12.

    Writing submissions may not be over 3000 words.

    We allow three submissions per individual.

    Submissions will be judged according to their age group: 6-8th graders and 9-12th graders.

    Any submission with racism, profanity, transphobia, homophobia, misogyny, prejudice, or use of AI will immediately be disqualified.